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Helpful links

Helpful links for labyrinthitis or dizziness

We hope you find some of these links useful:


Emma has set up this support group in Newcastle upon Tyne:


The Meniere's Society (UK)


VEDA - Vestibular Disorders Association.


Yorkshire (UK) Balance Support Group


An excellent website which explains the problems with "Invisible illnesses"


An NHS video featuring the patient's perspective


A patient run community for dizzy sufferers


For those who are UK based - The British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies


Info from Dr Hain at the Chicago Balance Centre


Information about all kinds of ear conditions


Books that may be of use...


• "Feeling Dizzy" by Brian W Blakeley and Mary-Ellen Siegel (1997) - very cheap and a good read if you are new to the world of dizziness.


• "Why me, why this, why now?" by Robin Norwood (1995) - not related to dizziness and not for people who don't like "deep" books!! Emma read it and it helped her - it deals with why we experience adversity and bad patches in life.


• "Dizzy Spell" by Gillian Gabrielle Barnett. Gillian is an online "dizzy" friend of ours and this book sounds like an excellent 'patient's perspective' when it comes to living with a vestibular disorder. Who better to write a book about this than someone who suffered Labyrinthitis for over 2 years, as Gillian did. 



• "Invisible Illnesses and Disabilities" by Sharon Smith-Merritt. A touching insight into one woman's bravery after sustaining inner ear damage and other problems after a car accident.

Can be found at:​

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